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Managing Your Identity with a Proper Logo

Written by Nigel Lew

Continued from page 1

Here is an example, we did some suggestions for a firm in London. The product was called system angel which is a program that remotely oversees networks for security purposes.

My information forrepparttar project was something blue, manly, and of course would suggest an angel overseeing a network.

logo is called system angel and is located here.

Take noterepparttar 100627 graphical element is flexible or could be modified to suit various changes withinrepparttar 100628 company. This could be done with various line work orrepparttar 100629 addition of further elements, to re-working ofrepparttar 100630 font, which is in this case intentionally soft.

Keep in mind there is usually much to consider when creating a brand for someone such as target market, location, length of time in business. This should however serve as a good starting point.

Nigel Lew isrepparttar 100631 Owner and E-Commerce Project Manager of Ultimatech Computer Consultancy located in Aspen Colorado. You may re-print this article by leaving his name in tact.

Nigel Lew is the Owner and E-Commerce Project Manager of Ultimatech Computer Consultancy located in Aspen Colorado. You may re-print this article by leaving his name in tact.

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